Welcome to the repository of Fondo Gianini Archive

Fondo Gianini is a collection of books and documents inherent to the world of schooling from 1745 to 1950, coming from the old Fund of Ticino's cantonal Teacher training school (Scuola Magistrale) and from external donations. After years of conservation in unsuitable premises, in 2011-2012 this precious material was recovered thanks to a joint work between librarians and researchers who took advantage of internal funding from the Dipartimento Formazione e apprendimento for recovery, exploration and enhancement of the Fund. Thanks to this project, the documents have been cataloged and placed in a suitable place at the Library, where they are now available to scholars, teachers and students.
Today the Fondo Gianini collection, enhanced by the scientific activity of the Laboratory RDCD and managed by the Library's personal, includes around 2400 documents including school programs, textbooks, note-books, manuscripts, pedagogy books and other teaching material. The Laboratory (Ricerca storico-educativa, documentazione, conservazione e documentazione) is a research center that deals with the history of schooling and education, with the materials that allow its study and with their conservation and digitalization.

In conjunction with a FNS Sinergia research project, many of those materials, and in particular school curricula, circulars and other official documents were digitized and made available in a searchable form on the project website (http://www.storiascuola.supsi.ch/). In addition, the digitization of school books and manuscripts of the Fondo Gianini collection was launched through the e-rare digital platform (https://www.e-rara.ch/fondo/nav/classification/10916052). In some cases, we also digitized historical materials conserved in other private of public Funds.

The repository you're entering here is a sort of digital interface of Fondo Gianini, which conserves all digitized documents coming from it. The Item of each individual document therefore contains not only the digital file and information about the place of conservation of the original document, but also complementary indications regarding related resources, about the document itself and about further historical and educational information and contextualizations on other websites.